Moving In. Marriage. Money. Kids. Family disputes. Disagreements. Divorce.

Overthinking. Indecision. Sleepless nights. And needing to move on with your life.

Getting to your new beginning means getting through the legal matter that currently binds you. Since 2007, we’ve helped hundreds of smart, savvy people and families make smart, effective decisions to protect their assets (real estate, trusts, money) and loved ones (kids, parents).

No matter where you live in the Okanagan, we’re ready to help you ask the right questions, and create the agreements that’ll protect your loved one, assets, and you.

As a future client, you’ll also enjoy the step-by-step support that simplifies everything and helps you reach your final agreement — and next big life moment — faster.

We offer:

✓ Competitive rates for legal services

✓ Flat fee for independent legal advice (ILA)

✓ Flat fee OR hourly rate for mediation

✓ Accessible solutions for residents of British Columbia

Wherever you are in the province, Inside Passage Law is here to serve your mediation or legal service needs.

It’s easy to get started:

Fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch with the next steps.